Kid influencer who are they and what do they promote?

A new phenomenon has exploded in recent years, that of the kid influencer or child influencers on social media.

Testimonials for products for the little ones, kid influencers are very active on social platforms with fun or fashion content.

In addition to the classic testimonial in advertising campaigns, companies today increasingly resort to the figure of influencers to promote their products and reach an ever wider audience. The advantage that an influencer has compared to the traditional testimonial is the almost unconditional trust of their followers. In practice, the public that follows a character has so much trust in him that they consider all his advice always valid and good. The late Maurizio Costanzo already in unsuspecting times called advertising "purchasing advice". An influencer does nothing but recommend to his followers what he too wears, eats or uses in general.

How do you become a little influencer?

Considering the economic volume that exists behind the advertising market aimed at children, a market that has seen an increase of 25% for years, it is clear that the kid influencer has very little that is improvised, rather it is the result of in-depth studies and analyzes by of companies.

There are more and more children who, with the active complicity of their parents, promote goods and services intended for their peers online, and the best ones manage to earn staggering sums.

One above all is Pixie Curtis who founded an empire at just 11 years old during the pandemic period . His line of hair clips has grown to generate revenue in excess of $200,000 a month in Australia. How did he do? Well in her case she has a very experienced businesswoman mother behind her! But his social presence and consistency in producing content made the difference.

To become a baby influencer it is essential to have a good quality machine and technical equipment . This is to give full visibility to the product being marketed.

The time to dedicate to the activity is also fundamental and must be a lot : from identifying the place to shoot to editing photos and videos, the influencer's work does not end with a simple post!

Baby influencer what the law says

There is still no law that protects this type of activity which, in fact, constitutes child labor. A French law has set a precedent which aims to regulate the presence of children on digital and social platforms , protecting economic and image rights. While in America the so-called "Coogon Law" enacted at the end of the 1930s for children employed in the entertainment industry has been extended to baby influencers . This rule requires that 15% of children's earnings be allocated to a trust fund.

In Italy from this point of view there is a legislative gap , kid influencers have no protection. There is a rule only for child labor in the entertainment world for which authorization from the National Labor Inspectorate is required.

Not only that, jurisprudence has underlined that in the context of the activity carried out by the minor it is necessary to evaluate whether the contract really responds to his interest . That is, it will be necessary to comply with the principles and limits established by the Treviso Charter.

In any case, the judicial authority can intervene, even removing content, if it sees the child's rights being violated.

Kid influencer what are the risks?

If the profit margins are large, the risks that influencer marketing activity can bring with it are equally high.

Kid influencers speak to Generation Alpha with their natural language. They speak to a user who already uses digital content on a daily basis and who is easily influenced.

However, it is not always easy to maintain the right balance between reality and virtuality and children completely immersed in the social flow often struggle to approach the outside world .

Not only that, it is not easy for the little ones to be continually exposed to the judgment of others and defending themselves from comments can be complicated. The risk is that of undermining their self-esteem and preventing their healthy and conscious development.

Sometimes it is the parents who do the most damage, manipulating children in order to profit from their image. Which is why a law that protects their interests and privacy is more necessary than ever.

The downside is the decline in popularity , a boomerang effect that very young people may struggle to manage because they don't yet have the necessary tools.

Influencer marketing for children

According to the study by the communications agency Hotwire, 12% of children are influenced by influencers of the same age and beyond .

If traditional advertising no longer fascinates, social advertising proves to be more direct and more empathetic. This is why kid influencer marketing is increasingly successful, especially for advertising toys, cartoons and fashion.

A $1.7 billion advertising market that will continue to grow more than 20% annually.