Is it really useful to do homework during the summer holidays?

When the last bell of the school year rings in mid-June, all the children and adolescents in Italy are united by a single big sigh of relief and an unstoppable desire to throw their backpacks out of sight for at least three months.

And already... three months. This is how long summer holidays in our country last approximately. And it is an entirely Italian privilege. Just look around and you will discover that our French cousins ​​stop for 2 months and in Germany or Switzerland they rest even less. It must be said, however, that in other countries the holiday days are spread out throughout the year.

Having made this consideration, it becomes clear that three months of break is a long time and is enough to make even the most diligent of students lose their study training.

This is why teachers consider it necessary to assign homework or a book for the holidays.

What to do if your child has a lot of homework for the holidays? We give you three useful tips.

Given, therefore, that summer homework is not an unnecessary burden for our children, it is essential to make them understand that it is a necessary training to refresh what has been learned . And your task as a parent will be to help the child organize himself as best as possible so as not to ruin his well-deserved rest. Let's see how.

1. Organization first of all

Every self-respecting job requires adequate planning. Help your child plan his homework but remember to be flexible, it's still a holiday! Create a nice colorful calendar with him and mark the activity to do for each day , let him choose the order and priority of the subjects. Obviously he will choose his favorites first, make sure they are all taken into consideration. It's up to you not to increase the daily workload but to leave plenty of time for leisure and relaxation. Then always enhance his work, perhaps with small rewards, even symbolic ones, and never demoralize him.

2. Make homework fun

If your child does not feel homework is a burden, he will do it easily and better. Think about organizing a few afternoons of study with your friends at home , you'll see that they'll have fun together. In fact, sharing will help to lighten the study and the comparison will be a further moment of growth.

It is also very important to choose the right time to do homework. Avoid the hottest hours or immediately after returning from a long day at the beach, preferring instead the early morning when the temperatures and the baby's head are still cool. First some exercises and then everyone at sea!

Help and lighten the load yes, but never replace him . Homework must be done by the child, you only need to supervise if necessary.

3. Don't forget to give him some (or even more) of your time.

Correcting and supervising your child's summer homework does not have to be a burdensome task for you . Share these moments with him with joy and lightness , they are important for both of you to build and consolidate your bond. It will also be useful for you to forget thoughts related to work or other daily hassles . Your relationship needs exclusive moments. You used to read him a bedtime story, now that he's grown up , read what he can do and always encourage him to do better.